Your treatment plan is custom-tailored to you. How quickly you see results depends on the severity of your condition, how strong your system is, and how much self-care you are willing to put in. This is a medicine that requires your active participation to truly make long lasting transformations in your health.
Initial Assessment + Acupuncture
Your first-time visit starts here. This 90-minute session includes a comprehensive health assessment and acupuncture treatment. You will be sent an intake questionnaire to fill out prior to your visit.
After your initial assessment, a treatment program will be recommended. The number of sessions will depend on the severity of your condition, amongst other factors. Sessions typically run 60 minutes.
TCM Herbs
Your treatment program may include acupuncture, lifestyle recommendations, and in many cases, traditional Chinese medicine herbal formulations. The herbs are custom-blended for you, and come in a powder form to be taken like a tea. Herbal-only consultations run approximately 30 minutes.
TCM Modalities
Acupuncture is the most widely known modality for many conditions. However, it only represents a fraction of the philosophy and practice of the world’s oldest intact system of healing. Some treatments may include cupping, colour therapy, moxibustion, tui na, and various acupressure methods. It is through the practitioner’s experience on why, when and how each therapeutic modality should be used.